Daily Coop News . . .

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer's Coming of Age

Summer ripened quickly this year,the thermometer reads 96 very hot degrees. The rains have been a welcome smell, the sea breeze is slightly cooled, the property watered, and the rain barrels filled to the brim. However the true test comes in a sound with the evening, it's the Whip'O Will, and perched in the shadows right outside the kitchen windows of The Old Starkey House he sat calling all who would listen over and over he calls whipowill, whipowill, whipowill. He is hard to see, and non-descript for those who have had a peek, he is the highlight of a summer's evening, and in perfect harmony to the crickets, Cuban tree frogs, and the song of the cicadas. He is in my early memories of the Florida I knew as a young girl, he has called out in the dark night of a horseback ride, and on the misty marsh morning of Yeehaw Junction. This evening his song is sweet and my memories strengthened once again.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Can you say Mojito?

It is 95 degrees, no breeze and the pool and the mint growing next to the rain barrel are screaming Mojito. . .

The Main Chick's Mojito

Juice of one lime
squirt of Agave nectar
5-6 fresh mint leaves
A shot of Appleton's Rum
plickle, plickle, plickle or muddle, muddle, muddle
pour over glass of ice and finish with splash of ginger ale.

Hit the pool and relax.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bad Hair Day

Florida's humidity, what if Colonel Beaureguard is looking.

Chester's Epitaph

It's hard to believe that five short years ago we missed Thanksgiving for a 70 pound turkey, and it's even harder to believe he is gone . . .

Chester woke up on March 31st, 2010 not feeling his usual perky self, a very large tumor in his spleen had begun to bleed and by the afternoon he was gone. The tumor obviously had been there for quite some time, and he showed no signs of discomfort up until the end.

We will miss him greatly, as many of you know he was my shadow, and shadowed the many pet sitters. He was talked about at Thanksgiving for many years, and some of his antics will never be forgotten. I believe he could be listed in Guinness for eating the most unusual things including drinking of the beignet grease after Mardi Gras, and eating the feet off his ball, twice, the first time he threw them up six weeks after the first ingestion.

The look on his face summed it up, "Always keep smiling, for you never know when a frown could stick".

I thank all of you who put up with him, baby sat him, or just plain liked him.

With much sadness,

The Main Chick

A Long Hot Dry Spell

I think I am referring to writers block in the title, or maybe the current weather, hard to say . . .
The winter was a cold one, the coldest I can remember, temperatures in January hovered nightly in the 30's for weeks at a time, quite unusual for central coastal Florida. It didn't stop us from hosting Guitars & Cigars, we had the fire pits stoked, the fireplace roaring, and as many layers as we could handle without having our arms at 90 degree angles. The Low Country Boil was hot and so was the cider and guitar, Captain Bob played with his usual finesse, and sounds of warm beaches flowed through the crowd. A good time was passed by all.