Daily Coop News . . .

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"put something cute on and walk around the block"

Happy Birthday Crawdad


Cilantro Mojitos

The heat of southwest Florida has fried the remainder of mint left in the garden, however the cilantro looked fabulous, and so it grows. . .

Into the blender place two bunches (2 cups) of fresh cilantro
1/4 cup of brown sugar or 2 teaspoon of Agave nectar
Juice of 8 large limes and a little lime zest
8 shots of your favorite sippin rum (I use Appleton's)

Blend well and divide amoung 4-6 pint mason jars and cover with lid. Chill until ready to serve. Fill jar with crushed ice, shake and top off with ginger ale.

Sip by coop and play in the rain.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Captain Jack Sparrow

Still Friends

The Sounds of Still Friends is HOT this balmy August eve in Punta Gorda . . .

The original music of Steve Blackwell's tribe fills the air in the Punta Gorda Woman's Center with an old soul Florida feel, smooth and rhythmic.

The children dance in the isle as they mouth the words of "Sugarcane" and "Plumes", toes tap and fans whirl as lessons of life unfold in each of the lyrical tales spun through instrument and voice straight from the heart.

As the Rockin Sausages set up for a second set, their faces bright with the new tales that will be told for generations to come, their fingers nimble, and the height of these talented musicians still yet to come, you can not help but smile and know for this moment . . . all is right with the world.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"The Skinnin Barn"

Affection for the past . . .

B elieve it or not
L ife's
O bstactles
G et in the way

That is what I keep telling myself, every time I realize I have not updated this blog.

This morning I was reading an article in Garden & Gun, there was a beautiful old creole country house, the writer wrote "learning to operate modern technology is not the problem, it's what you would have to sacrifice on the path of ease and convenience", and went on to say "forgoing certain creature comforts simply nourishes his roots" which is very interesting and I love the thought.

I have always had a hard time explaining my reason for not wanting a dishwasher. I however, never realized the complex reasoning behind getting one removed, the story of which I will save for another time. The quote which has struck me this morning is from the owner of the home, "History," he says, "is both a burden and a glory for Southerners. Our affection for the past and our complex relationship to it survive in our living habits." As I pick the dirt out of my nails (pulling sand spur this morning), I also realize the great appreciation I have for roots that grow deep in this Florida dirt. It's the reason I love to wash dishes by hand, hang out the laundry, and feed the chickens. It is the history of an old house around me, that encourage my roots to take hold and stretch deep into the past, it is the memory of an old skinnin barn in Yemassee, or a day spent in the old kitchen at Bell. The roots of my history fill each object I hold dear, Granny's artwork or Everett's woodwork, Irving's reading rod and Nanny's garlic press.

The deep southern history in my roots survive not only in the object and memories, but entrenched in life's everyday habits. I think for now the glory, outweighs the burdens in this Southern girl's life.