Daily Coop News . . .

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mama KuKu

Occupying my bedside table these days, is a blast from my past, the 1971 recollections from Mama KuKu as the school children from Brevard County Florida knew her, she was Julia Lake Kellersberger and "Rooted in Florida Soil"  is a personal narrative of two decades of her life.  As a child seated on the floor of the cafeteria at Sabal Elementary I could have listened for hours as the stories of her life unfolded.

Page twenty three:

"Fish are gastronomical snobs.  One moment they will leap at a lure of red, and a few hours later they scorn crimson and want gold.  One day they are hungry for pig-fish, and the next day they are starved for shrimp.  They won't bite when it is too cold, or when it is too hot, or when the water is too rough, or when it is too smooth.  Pop seems to be the only one who knows when they will bite.  He says,

"When the wind is in the north
careful fishermen fare not forth.
When the wind is in the east
'Tis good for neither man nor beast.
When the wind is in the south
It blows the bait in the fishes' mouth.
When the wind is in the west
Fishing then is at its best."
More to come . . . 


  1. I grew up with Mama Kuku as a vibrant member of our family. She personified joy, love and acceptance of all she met, and the unconditional love of Christ. Her life touched everyone she encountered in a positive way, and I am so priviledged to have known her.
